Jun 19Liked by Jess Chermak

Never saw the movie or any in the series, but made the mistake of watching that scene on YouTube. It electrified my existing fear, and I now speed erratically around logging trucks, increasing my actual risk of being harmed while behind the wheel. 🤗 It’s worth noting that I’m also terrified of misters above restaurant patios because listeria can get freaky on your lunch.

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Ooh yaaasss new fear!

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Thank you for sharing.

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Jun 19Liked by Jess Chermak

I know that this isn’t supposed to be a parenting/adolescent development blog, but it’s hard not to comment without noting all the data we are seeing on the negative affects of making things (like jungle gyms) too safe for growing children. Our fear response is there to protect us and much of that beyond the instinctual is supposed to develop as we fall, bump our heads, and get back up. As such, I’ve noticed in my own “tail end of Gen X” life that specific situations that may have paralyzed me with fear in the past are now simply another inevitable bump in the road of life to overcome. Some of this new sense of calm, if I am being honest, also comes from the desire to not waste any unnecessary mental space on meaningless worry or “spinning.” Everything has a season.

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I would 100 percent move. (The prospect of falling logs is terrifying and following a large, unwieldy, and probably slow truck is annoying.)

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Jun 18Liked by Jess Chermak

I don't usually change lanes. I figure that in all of the times a logging truck has driven down the road, the number of times someone has been seriously injured by a falling log is negligible. Otherwise, they would have changed the way they are secured to the truck. I'm very logical about that decision. If I'm not directly behind, but still behind a little to the side, even a few cars back, and the logs come loose I'll still be injured because of the resulting pile up and rolling logs. I usually pass just because it's slow, but not because I'm afraid.

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Jun 18Liked by Jess Chermak

I would definitely move. Either I would slow WAY down to let it get WAY ahead of me (if it was not a passing situation) or I would pass if that was an option. But to be fair, I also am a very easy startle and a very adept imaginer of terrible scenarios, so maybe I'm not representative :)

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