Welcome to Subject to Change!

In each edition of this newsletter, you’ll find yourself rethinking something. My intention here is to inspire new ways of thinking, dismantle what we consider to be true, and discover ways in which we’ve been wrong and can do better. 

The experience that brought us here:

Like many first-year college students, I had every intention of becoming a doctor (oooh, ahhh). I was a biology major, pre-med, and by midterms during my first semester, I was miserable. Despite enjoying it in high school, I quickly learned that science was — how do I put this? — not my jam. 

I knew I needed to pivot, but I couldn’t allow myself to change course until I figured out an answer to this question: “If not Biology, then what?” — a question that left me feeling paralyzed by indecision.

That is, until I realized I was asking the wrong question. I kept trying to replace Biology with something else, but the real question should have been: Biology or Not Biology?

person holding light bulb
Pretend this bulb is lit. (Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash)

Unsurprisingly, that was a much easier question to answer (a resounding Not Biology).

Reframing the question genuinely changed my life for the better. Not simply because it gave way to new career paths and life plans, but because doing so made me realize the importance of being flexible and adaptable when I encounter challenging situations.

Truthfully, reframing the question was the catalyst to embark on this journey1 to spend more time improving myself than proving myself.2

Who’s this for?

If you’ve ever found yourself feeling inflexible or stagnant in your own personal growth, this is for you. The topics we’ll tackle will help you discover more about yourself, build stronger relationships, engage more meaningfully in the world around you, and get those critical thinking neurons firing. 

A little bit about me:

Professionally, I’ve operated in a lot of different spaces, usually in the capacity of coaching, counseling, and mentorship. I am one of the founders and CEO of a college, graduate school, and career consulting practice called Virtual College Counselors. I am also a Certified Educational Planner, Licensed Professional Counselor, and hold several leadership positions in the industry of educational consulting.3

My first career was in forensic psychology, followed by a two-year stint as an operations research and systems analyst for the Army. I’ve been all over the place, but the one thread that has been fulfilling in each of my dissimilar careers has been helping people figure out what their next steps are.

And that’s why I’m here. I’ve been on an incredible growth journey, where I’ve learned to communicate more effectively, build strong relationships, discover connections, and help those around me become the best versions of themselves.

That’s why you’re here.

Personally, I look forward to continually making mistakes, to learning I was wrong, and to growing every time I stumble. Instead of learning from me, I hope that you’ll learn with me. Together, we’re going to become the best versions of ourselves.


This is where I’m at, right now, no horizon to crest in sight.


But also: I do love me some external validation, so there’s a little proving going on here.


Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA):

  • CEO Hiring Committee (2023-present)

  • Government Relations Committee (2022-present)

  • Education and Training Committee (2023-present)

  • Business Growth Institute Committee (2023-present)

  • Business Practices Committee Chair (2022-2023), Vice Chair (2023-2024)

  • Co-Host of the College Conversations: In Focus (Computer Science/Engineering)

College Consultants of Colorado:

  • Board Member (2021-2023)

  • Technology Manager (2021-present)

Subscribe to Subject to Change

Embracing change, harnessing adaptability, and a guided journey of innovative thinking


Dark Chocolate Enthusiast ~ Entrepreneur (CEO/Founder: Virtual College Counselors) ~ Certified Educational Planner ~ Licensed Professional Counselor (Forensic Psychologist) ~ Life is short, but the internet is forever.